
The following are instructions for locally developing a branch of mollib.

  1. Checkout. First, checkout the branch using git.

  2. Build Cython Extensions. The Cython and C extensions can be compiled in place.

    $ make inplace
  3. Build Datasets Build and compute the datasets. This may take a few hours.

    $ make build-data
  4. Build Documentation Build the documentation in html format under docs/

    $ make docs


    You will need to have sphinx, sphinxcontrib-napoleon, latex and latexmk installed.

  5. Test the Build Run the package’s tests.

    $ make test


    You will need nosetests to run the tests.

    Alternatively, mollib can be tested against multiple platforms using tox.

    $ make test-all
  6. Install in Developer Mode. Install the package in developer mode. This adds the package’s source path to the python path. Edits to the source path are reflected in the global script.

    $ make develop

    If you’d like to uninstall the develop mode, use the following command.

    $ python develop --uninstall


Mollib includes 4 different kinds of tests. These are all executed by the make test-all command.

  1. Pytests and unitests. These are tests stored in the tests directory. They are run automatically by executing one of the following:

    1. pytest
    2. make test
    3. make test-all
  2. Docstring tests. These are tests within the docstrings of functions, classes and methods in the mollib source (mollib subdirectory). These tests are run automatically by executing one of the following:

    1. pytest
    2. make test
    3. make test-all
  3. Tox. All of the pytests, unittests and doctests are tested in each Python environment using tox. These tests are run automatically by executing one of the following:

    1. tox
    2. make test-all
  4. CLI tests. These tests detect changes in the output text from a specific set of command arguments and mollib. These tests are located in tests/cli directory. An error will be flagged if the output of a mollib command has changed from the contents of the .txt file. The output of the commands are also used in the documentation within the .rst files. These tests are run by executing:

    1. make test-cli
    2. Additionally, if the output of a command changes, the reference commands can be reset by entering the tests/cli directory and typing make clean&&make build. The changed .txt and .rst files should be committed to the repository.
    3. New commands can be created by typing the command in a .sh file and making this file executable.

Makefile Options

The make command contains a number of commands to setup and develop mollib. The make commands are listed by typing make help.

Including Datasets

Datasets are included in the mollib/data directory. Data files should be included in the file.

Building Platform Packages

Platform specific distributions are needed because mollib includes C extensions written in Cython. These extension must be compiled using a compiler for each type of operating system.

The build and install distribution packages, the following packages are needed:

Linux Distributions (Python Wheels)

Compile and build a Python wheel package.

$ python bdist_wheel

The Python wheel can be installed using pip.

$ sudo pip install <package_file.whl>

Mac OS X Distributions (mpkg)

Compile and build a Mac OS X package (.mpkg) file.

$ python bdist_mpkg

The .mpkg file can be installed by dragging it into the Applications folder.

Adding Plugins

Adding plugin modules may require the registration of the plugin, the registration of the plugin’s settings or both.

To register a plugin, add the following to the root file for the plugin:

from .plugin import PluginClass
plugin = PluginClass()

To register a plugin’s settings, add the following to the root file for the plugin:

from . import settings

from mollib.core import register_settings

Docstring Format

Docstrings follow the numpy style. There are a few additional guidelines:

  1. dict parameters and return values should list the expected keys/values
  1. dict parameters should list the key and value types using ‘key’ and ‘value’ in bold. If known, the object type should be listed after the description.
- **key**: interaction label, str
  1. dict return values should either list the key/value pairs, or list specific keys and values.
- 'Q (%)': The fit Q-factor in percentage, float
  1. Sublists should have a new line before the sublisting.

    - 'Overall': Overall Statistics, :obj:`collections.OrderedDict`
       - 'Q (%)': The fit Q-factor in percentage, float
       - 'RMS': The root-mean square of the fit (Hz/ppb), float
       - 'count': The number of interactions fit, int
  2. Lists that follow a paragraph listing in a parameter should not be indented with respect to the paragraph.

    angles: dict
        A dict of the angles between atoms that define the hydrogen
        - **key**: tuple of three :obj:`Atom` objects
        - **value**: the angle (in deg) between the :obj:`Atom` objects
  3. args and kwargs args are listed separately and as optional parameters.

    args: tuple, optional
        If specified a default argument, then this will be returned if
        the key isn't found. Otherwise a ValueError exception is raised.
    kwargs: dict, optional
        If specified a default argument, then this will be returned if
        the key isn't found. Otherwise a ValueError exception is raised.

Example 1

def calc_summary(magnetic_interactions, Saupe_components, data, predicted):
     """Calculate the statistics between predicted and calculated RDCs and

     magnetic_interactions: list of dicts
         - A list of dicts, one for each molecule to be fit.
           See :class:``
     Saupe_components: dict
         See the output of :func:``
     data: dict
         - **key**: interaction labels, str
         - **value**: :obj:`` or :obj:`` data
     predicted: dict
         - **key**: interaction labels, str
         - **value**: :obj:`` or :obj:`` data

     summary: :obj:`collections.OrderedDict`

         - 'Overall': Overall Statistics, :obj:`collections.OrderedDict`

           - 'Q (%)': The fit Q-factor in percentage, float
           - 'RMS': The root-mean square of the fit (Hz/ppb), float
           - 'count': The number of interactions fit, int

         - 'Alignment': Details on the alignment tensor,

           - 'Aa': The alignment tensor anisotropy, float
           - 'Ar': The alignment tensor rhobicity, float

         - 'Saupe': Details on the Saupe matrix, :obj:`collections.OrderedDict`

           - 'Szz': The zz-component of the Saupe matrix, float
           - 'Sxx': The xx-component of the Saupe matrix, float
           - 'Syy': The yy-component of the Saupe matrix, float

         - 'Angles': Alignment tensor orientation in Rose convention,

           - "Z (deg)": The alignment alpha angle (deg), float
           - "Y' (deg)": The alignment beta angle (deg), float
           - "Z'' (deg)": The alignment gamma angle (deg), float

Example 2

def fill_gaps(molecule, classifications, classification_type, dihedral_test,
              extend_terminii=False, label_N_term=0, label_C_term=0,
              gap_tolerance=1, overwrite_assignments=False):
    """Fill gaps in the classifications dict assignments.

    Gaps occur in the secondary structure assignment from hydrogen bonds,
    for example, with beta-strands on the edges of beta sheets. This
    function finds stretches of secondary structure assignments, it checks
    the dihedral angles and fills in gaps in the stretches. For a sheet:
    'E E E E' becomes 'EEEEEEE'.

    molecule: :obj:`mollib.Molecule`
        The molecule object to classify the secondary structure elements.
    classifications: dict
        A dict with the classifications.

          - **key**: (, residue.number). ex: ('A', 31)
          - **value**: (major_classification, minor_classification).
            ex: ('alpha-helix', 'N-term')
    classification_type: str
        The name of the classification type to check. ex: 'alpha-helix'
    dihedral_test: function or None
        - A test function that takes a :obj:`mollib.Residue` and returns
          True if the residue's dihedral angles are within range for the
        - If None is specified, then the dihedral angles of residues will
          not be tested.
    extend_terminii: bool or int, optional
        If True, the previous and subsequence residues of each contiguous
        stretch of residue classification will be checked to see if they fall
        within the dihedral angle range as well.
    label_N_term: int (optional)
        Label the first 'N' number of residues in the contiguous block as
    label_C_term: int, optional
        Label the last 'N' number of residues in the contiguous block as
    gap_tolerance: int, optional
        The assignment of contiguous stretches of a secondary structure
        assignment will tolerate this number of 'gaps' in the residue
        For a gap_toleranace of 1 and a checked sheet assignment, the
        following group 'E E E E' will be treated as a single contiguous
        block of sheetassignments.
    overwrite_assignments: bool, optional
        If True, classification assignments will be overwritten, if an
        assignments has already been made for a given residue.
