Python Recipes

Loading a Molecule

A molecule can be loaded directly from molecule objects. The following will automatically download the file, cache it and read in the PDB for the structure ‘2kxa’.

>>> from mollib import Molecule
>>> mol = Molecule('2kxa')

This structure includes 10 models, and the first model is loaded by default. Other models can be loaded.

>>> from mollib import Molecule
>>> mol = Molecule('2kxa', model_id=3)

Loading Multiple Models

A list of models can be loaded using the mollib.MoleculeReader factory directly.

>>> from mollib import MoleculeReader
>>> mr = MoleculeReader()
>>> all_models ='2kxa')
>>> print(len(all_models))

>>> some_models ='2kxa', model_ids=[1, 5, 8])
>>> for model in some_models:
...     print(model)
Molecule (2kxa-1):    1 chains, 24 residues, 332 atoms.
Molecule (2kxa-5):    1 chains, 24 residues, 332 atoms.
Molecule (2kxa-8):    1 chains, 24 residues, 332 atoms.

Accessing Chains, Residues, Atoms and Coordinates

Molecules, chains, and residues are extented dict objects. Chains are accessed by chain id (ex: 'A'), residues are accessed by residue number (ex: 3), and atoms are accessed by atom name (ex: 'CA').

>>> from mollib import Molecule
>>> mol = Molecule('2kxa')  # loads the first model
>>> chains = list(mol.chains)
>>> print(chains)

>>> chainA = mol['A']
>>> residues = list(chainA.residues)
>>> print('{}, ...'.format(residues[:5]))
[G1, L2, F3, G4, A5], ...

>>> F3 = chainA[3]
>>> atoms = list(F3.atoms)
>>> print('{}, ...'.format(atoms[:5]))
[A.F3.N, A.F3.CA, A.F3.C, A.F3.O, A.F3.CB], ...

>>> CA = F3['CA']
>>> print("position: {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f}".format(CA.x, CA.y, CA.z))
position: 13.2 -2.7 6.3

>>> mol['A'][3]['CA'] ==  CA